ASERCOM Network News
ASERCOM Releases Statement on Network Codes for Heat Pumps
ASERCOM has released a statement addressing the role of heat pumps in stabilising electrical grids during emergency situations. This comes in response to ongoing efforts by the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and ENTSO-E to integrate [...]
ASERCOM Webinars: Insights You Can’t Miss
The refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump (RACHP) industry is evolving rapidly, with new regulations, technological advancements and sustainability goals shaping its future. ASERCOM was hosting a series of thought-provoking webinars featuring industry leaders who will tackle these pressing topics. From [...]
ASERCOM Statement on ECHA PFAS Restriction Progress Update
ASERCOM, the Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers, welcomes the progress update from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the dossier submitters regarding the universal PFAS restriction proposal. „We are particularly encouraged by the explicit recognition of fluoropolymers in sealing applications as [...]
ASERCOMs Market Insights
ASSOFRIGORISTI: conscious protagonists of change
An Interview with Marco Oldrati, new Director of Operations of the Italian association Assofrigoristi In June, following the resignations of Gianluca Degiovanni as President and Marco Masini as Chief Operating Officer of Assofrigoristi, the Association elected its new management team: Fabio Brondolin [...]
Germany is a pioneer in the fight against Europe-wide refrigerant smuggling
The amendment of the German Chemicals Act represents an important step in the fight against illegal trade in hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in Europe. The amendment to the German Chemicals Act, which comes applies on 1 August 2021, now gives the supervisory authorities extensive [...]
Italy and F-Gas Review: what expectations?
Market Insight from our Italian correspondent Luisa-Maria Doldi The ongoing revision of EU F-Gas Regulation 517/2014 is a delicate and crucial step that will influence cooling policies at least until 2030. It is also an opportunity to reflect on how each [...]