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Welcome and Introduction Wolfgang Zaremski
F-Gases – More Than Refrigerants Régis Leportier
Global Overview:
AHRI, Paris Agreement/HFC bans in the US Steve Yurek
EPEE (European Green Deal) Andrea Voigt
International Refrigeration Institute: Overview ROW Didier Coulomb
Certification with live demo of ASEVALCU software Julian Pfaffl
ASERCOM Strategy 2021 Wolfgang Zaremski
Directives and Regulations Dina Koepke / Torben Funder-Kristensen
Standards Heinz Juergensen
Inverter, Controls and Communication Christian Ellwein / John Gibson
Communications Nadine Kipphardt
Final Remarks and Closing Rainer Grosse-Kracht

Welcome and Introduction

Wolfgang Zaremski

F-Gases – More Than Refrigerants

Régis Leportier

Global Overview

Steve Yurek, Andrea Voigt, Didier Coulomb

Certification with live demo of ASEVALCU software

Julian Pfaffl

ASERCOM Strategy

Wolfgang Zaremski

Directives and Regulations

Dina Koepke

Inverter, Controls and Communication

Christian Ellwein


Nadine Kipphardt

Final Remarks and Closing

Rainer Grosse-Kracht